Koutalidis Law Firm remains Top Tier in the IFLR1000 Project Development rankings

The EMEA rankings that represent IFLR1000’s 31st edition on Project Development have been published and once again→

Koutalidis Law Firm & George Naskaris, tax partner, ranked Band 1 by Chambers & Partners in High Net Worth 2021 Guide

Chambers and Partners ranked our firm Band 1 in the High Net Worth 2021 Guide→

Alpha Services and Holdings S.A successfully completes share capital increase of €800 million

Koutalidis Law Firm advised Alpha Services and Holdings S.A., the listed on ΑΤΗΕΧ parent entity→

Exclusive contributor of the 2021 edition of Debt Capital Markets – Greece in Lexology GTDT

Koutalidis Law Firm is the exclusive contributor of the 2021 edition of Debt Capital Markets→

Koutalidis Law Firm advised NN’s EUR 584 million acquisition of Metlife

Koutalidis Law Firm acted as Greek legal advisor to NN Group in its EUR 584→

Koutalidis Law Firm assists Alpha Bank in reaching strategic milestone

Koutalidis Law Firm advised Alpha Bank S.A. on its second consecutive Euro 500 million Tier→

Koutalidis Law Firm shortlisted for the “Greece Law Firm of the Year” award at the Chambers Europe Awards 2021

We are happy to announce that Koutalidis Law Firm has been shortlisted for the “Greece→

IFLR 1000 ranks Koutalidis Law Firm as Top Tier Firm for the year 2021, which marks the guide’s 30th edition

IFLR 1000, the guide to the world’s leading financial law firms, has ranked Koutalidis Law→

IFLR 1000 ranks Koutalidis Law Firm as Top Tier Firm

IFLR 1000, the guide to the world’s leading financial law firms, has ranked Koutalidis Law→

Koutalidis Law Firm advises on the “Politeia Innovation Centre” Public-Private Partnership (PPP)

We would like to announce that our Firm has been appointed by the General Secretariat→

Koutalidis Law Firm advises on the closing of the 40-year Alimos Marina concession project

Koutalidis Law Firm has advised New Alimos Marina Concession Single Member S.A., 100% subsidiary of→

Koutalidis Law Firm excels in Private Wealth Law Practice

In its 2020 edition, Chambers and Partners High Net Worth has ranked the Private Wealth→